decide you can - episode 1 (learning and development)

Our first episode is a bit of an introduction - to us, to our lives and to the topic of learning and development in work and how we apply it to the rest of our lives.

In this episode of decide you can we talk about our learning styles, I recommend we put the amazing TED lecture by Kelly McGonigal about stress management into practice throughout the week and Susie takes us through how her learning style for her distance learning can help her as she learns new skills in a new role. We finish up with our quote of the week: decide you can (we had to discuss it in our first episode really) and what it means to each of us.

whilst decide you can has been with Susie and me since childhood it was also mentioned on the Lively Show featuring Lara Casey so if you want to hear more about it then check out Jess & Lara's wise words on her podcast.

So our first episode is done and ready for you to listen here!!

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