a gentle introduction
Welcome to decide you can - a place where we discuss our 9 to 5 experiences, motivation and inspiration and how we make it work for us.
decide you can is a phrase rooted in our childhood...we both look back (I'm sure with fondness) and remember rolling our eyes as our mum used to say, "turn the corners of your mouth up and say 'I can, I can'!" As a child/teenager/young-adult you don't always want to listen to the wise words your mum says... but we both know she's right.
decide you can, for me, is a way I can express positivity in what I do...it focuses me on changing my mindset and I feel like there's a lot of power in my decision. I spend a lot of time doing barre workouts and focus on a huge decal saying, "you are stronger than you think" when the workouts get tough - decide you can feels like it goes hand in hand with this.
It's about strength, options and a positive outlook.
Our podcast is a place for us to share ideas and track our own progress as we learn and grow in the corporate world and live our lives in a way that keep us happy, engaged and focused on having a positive impact.
Hopefully you enjoy hearing from us!