decide you can - episode 6 (growth mindset)
We're back....after a wee bit of a hiatus - largely due to some frantic work schedules and life not stopping but there's also a bit of us wanting to be proud of what we produce from Decide You Can. We recorded a couple of episodes over the past few weeks but didn't feel like they were a good enough representation of what we're passionate about, what we're focused on and where we want to go. But now we're back, loving life and our next episode!!
In this episode we're taking the quote change your thoughts and you'll change your world and showing how we apply it to the idea of a growth mindset.
When you get into the detail or activity of work you can sometimes be more task-focused than impact-focused and react in a way that, on reflection, wasn't true to you or wasn't as positive as it could have been. To us our quote this week makes us think about being present in each situation we're faced with and, in real time, identifying the ways we can see each situation as a chance to grow and learn. It's a challenge to stay in the moment and truly understand how you react but, once you begin to master it, you'll start to reflect on how you wouldn't have reacted any differently and be proud of the positive impact you're having on others as a result.
We make reference to Amy Purdy who is a poster-girl for changing your thoughts ...she is such an incredible and inspiring example of changing her world with a mindset shift saying, "if my life were a would I want the story to go?" Amy keeps with the inspiration later in her talk and sums her mindset up perfectly:
Our borders and our obstacles can do two things: one, stop us in our tracks or two, force us to get creative.
We also take it closer to home and think about people close to us who have had a positive impact and who we can draw inspiration from... Susie even reflects on her trigger phrase, "what would Laura do" forcing her to approach a situation from a different perspective....mine!!
So if things are overwhelming take a second to think about how you could react in a positive way, that you'll be proud of when you reflect on it later, and see it as an opportunity to learn more and grow.
If you change your thoughts you can change your world!!
As always if you'd like to share your ideas or thoughts on this, or any other topic we've chatted about you can find us on Twitter, Instagram or decideyoucan[at]gmail[dot]com.